Please be Praying for our FECPI Church Planters

Monday, April 27, 2009

In the Hands of the Master Planner

Just as the Lord prepared everyone else in the Bible when He gave a task, so was He still in the business of preparing His servants today...

Pastor Mar testifies a lot on how the Lord has prepared him for the huge responsibility of being the National Coordinator...

  • As the Senior Pastor of Faith Fellowship Dagupan, he was able to plant daughter churches in five years...

He just said that he won't leave Dagupan, but when it was the Lord who said "Go!" who are we to say no?! so he accepted the responsibilities... God's ways are not our ways.

  • Before he finally took over as the National Coordinator in April, a summit was held in Antipolo among FECPI Board of Trustees and OMS International leaders to have an agreement on the church planting method to use here in the Philippines... that really set the stage for him to take over the ministry. A direction was already set by the Lord--where to go and how to go about it.

Last day of the summit held at Faith Fellowship Ministry Center

some pictures taken during the discussion held at Gem's Hotel in Antipolo

  • The Lord not only prepared his ministry but even their house in Manila, the Lord has provided. From Dagupan they had to transfer to Manila so he would be near the main office. His relatives and his wives relatives were mostly in Tarlac and Pangasinan but Belle's sister bought a house in Montalban which he criticized because it was so expensive and far from their relatives.

"I didn't know that even that the Lord as prepared for us. April was already approaching and we didn't know where to stay then Belle's sister arrived from abroad and asked them to stay in her house in Montalban."

Those are just some of the many blessings they have received from the Lord. If we are faithful, God is more than faithful to bless His servants.

Pastor Mar and Belle hold on to God's promises in Jeremiah 29:11 which was proven true in their life. The future is in the hands of the Master Planner!

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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