Dear Prayer partners,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It has been more than a week that we are experiencing the favor of God here in Israel. We arrived here on the day that Israel is celebrating their 61st year of independence. We stayed in the hotel for 3 days and after that we moved to the church where we could stay for the rest of our time here in Israel.
When we arrived at the hotel, my Brother Samzon and his wife Mejani with their son Shan and also with his employer visited us and brought us to the beach adjacent to the hotel. There are more than 60,000 Filipinos in Israel working as care giver for the elderly.
Since it was Independence Day for Israel many Filipinos took advantage of the holiday to have some sort of relaxation in the beach and it was a perfect timing for us because there we met my sister whom I did not see for more than 13 years. She is working in Israel with her husband for a long time.
My Sister and her husband (sitting beside my wife) invited us in their church “The Lord Our Righteousness Ministry” for a dinner. This is one of the Filipino Churches in Tel Aviv, Israel. We had fellowship with their pastors, a couple, and their daughter (sitting beside me). They told us how their church is helping the Filipino communities especially for those who have babies; they founded in their church a nursery for children taking care of the babies while the Filipino parents are working. At present they accommodate more than 40 babies in their nursery and one of their full time workers is my sister Elisa.

When we finally checked out from the hotel and went to our church building we were met by some of the members who are so excited to see us including the sisters of my wife who are also working here in Israel.
Our church “Faith Fellowship Israel” covered our expenses for our trip including our accommodations.
I was surprised when I saw the church building because of what God has done in a short period of time; their musical instruments are almost complete, they are renting the building for 3,500 shekels if converted is more than 35,000 pesos, the members are working together for the growth of the church and most especially I have observed how they commit themselves to preserve their testimony as true followers of Jesus Christ.

The following day May 2 our church celebrated their 2nd anniversary. Their theme “We are the salt and light of the world” reveals their commitment and purpose of existence here in Israel. I have seen their joy when I read the portion of Ptr. Brent’s report to the general conference about Israel Faith Fellowship and how he supported the vision for the ministry of the OFW.

The service started at 7 pm and lasted for almost 3 hours. The event was attended by at least 80 people and some of them received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior while some recommitted their lives to the Lord.
I was blessed when I personally heard the narration of the church history. Bro Samzon and Mejani Ocampo stepped out of faith to start the church and later they were joined by Rosie Vallente and Jeana Ocampo who are members of Sta. Ignacia Faith Fellowship in the Philippines. At first they were even ridiculed by some Filipino believers here in Israel who had no idea of the vision that drove them to start Faith Fellowship Israel. But the Lord has blessed the church by sending trained workers like my sister Jenny who is a graduate of Faith Bible College.

Today, there are 8 fully committed workers and leaders in this church and at least a total of 27 regular members.

After the service it was just like a reunion for us because we met some relatives and friends whom we haven’t seen for a long time.
Most likely all Filipino workers here in Israel are looking forward for Saturdays to be refreshed and be strengthened by the fellowship with their relatives and friends. Our church is taking advantage of this free day to worship God together at 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Some members stay in the church until Sunday afternoon and they go back to their work until the next Saturday.
During working days some members of the church, friends and relatives are inviting us to visit them in their work and meet their employers. We praise God we experience the hospitality of the Hebrew people.

After their anniversary, the following Saturday was a different setup of worship service because I divided them into small groups and discussed with them thoroughly the importance of our core values.
They enjoyed and learned because they participated in the discussion focused on the core values of our denomination.
We will make use of every Saturday while we are here to discuss and learn more on our mission and vision as a denomination and how to achieve them through cell group strategy.
We ended the worship service last Saturday by honoring the mothers and they were very happy when the church gave them red roses and few minutes free call to their children and love ones in the Philippines
Please continue to pray for our time here in Israel that we may contribute for the spiritual development of our leaders here. Pray also that God will send and develop more workers in this church that they may reach their vision to build strong and multiplying Filipino Churches in every key cities of Israel. Also pray that they may help in the fulfilment of the rapid multiplication of churches in the Philippines by referring their families and friends to our church planters who are close to their homes.

Also pray that they may help in sending people who are called in the ministry but have no capacity to pay their tuition and other bills for their training at FBC.
Lastly, I praise the Lord for the support of our leaders especially to Ptr Brent, he has been supportive to the ministry here in Israel and to the OFW since this vision was shared to FECPI leaders. Without the support of our leaders (BOT), pastors and members this mission for Israel remains to be a dream.
By God’s grace we will maximize our time to fulfil God’s purpose of sending us here in Israel.
To God be the Glory!
In Christ Service,
Ptr. Mar & Bell